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This Workforce Strategy is an initiative of the Western Ontario Wardens Caucus.

Workforce Strategy Mission: To provide and advocate for regional workforce development resources and supports, build workforce development capacity and foster collaboration between member municipalities and other workforce stakeholders.

Workforce Strategy Vision: WOWC members have the supports and resources required to successfully address their workforce development needs.


Warden George Cornell
WOWC Chair

Mark Aitken
WOWC Secretary

Justin Bromberg
Manager of Government Relations

Charlotte Gravlev
WOWC Administrative Coordinator

Kate Burns Gallagher
WOWC Executive Director


Planning for Prosperity

WOWC members recognize the power of regional collaboration. Member municipalities face many of the same challenges: attracting more newcomers, educating youth about career opportunities in their own backyard and recalibrating post-secondary education to meet emerging demand. The municipalities are also working to boost the number of attainable housing units to support workforce demand. This strategy outlines the actions where regional collaboration will help WOWC member municipalities to address local workforce challenges.